
AIR-pad consists of a precise traverse plate made from hard stone with four special constructed air bearings. This traverse plate is manufactured with high precision both straight and parallel to the base and lives up to highest measuring expectations.

With the control lever in the handle the air is being supplied from the in-house compressed air system and the test piece can now be shifted as light as a feather. Also extreme heavy parts are movable elegantly and gently on the test plate. With AIR-pad the hard stone test plate is spared considerably. Marks caused while placing parts on the plate are avoided. Measurements can be carried out more simply, as the test piece is shifted and turned easy and sparingly.

The smart device may be implemented on any hard stone test plate and also on co-ordinates measuring apparatuses. Besides various standard specifications there are custom made designs available.



  • Protection of the hard stone test plate
  • Increased precision
  • Optimal amenability to the test piece
  • In most cases a smaller hard stone test plate is sufficient
  • Favourable to rework, as only a small part has to be lapped

Technical Data

Type Dimensions (L×W×H) Weight Flatness upper surface


  • Mounting holes if desired
  • 4 bearing sectors
  • Threaded nut milled on surface
  • 5 meter air hose
  • Measurement protocol


Other dimensions on request. Please contact us: Contact.