Unmatched solutions

A specialty of Kunz precision AG is the development and manufacture of high-precision measuring instruments and special measuring systems. From the simple measuring device to a complex system, the company is developing – based on over 40 years of expertise in measurement technology – innovative and customized solutions for the engineering industry and for calibration laboratories worldwide. The product range also includes innovative, ultra-precise measuring equipment.


You have an exceptional measurement task that is not covered by our standard products? Please contact us, because: Customized special measuring devices with highest accuracies in the nanometre range are our specialty – and our passion.

  • Straightness
  • Squareness
  • Length
  • Height Gauges
  • Angle
  • Flatness
  • Machine Tool Geometry
  • Measuring Equipment of Aluminium
  • Measuring Equipment of Hard Stone
  • Measuring Software
  • Accessories

Overview Flatness

Within the range flatness Kunz precision AG offers various solutions: from the manually operated, simple to use measuring program TOPO-soft to the automatically used X-Y traversing units for measuring flatness and also equipment, which measures the quasi-flatness of components in the production.